On the Couch with Tottie Goldsmith
Who is Tottie Goldsmith?
Actress and founding member of pop group The Chantoozies. Goodwill Champion for my aunties cancer center the Olivia Newton-john Cancer and Wellness Center. Recipient of an OAM for services to the community and performing arts, one of 8 kids to a 5 time married eccentric who was responsible for the night club industry coming to Australia. I’m mother to an earthy, 70s vibe, bohemian 27 year old daughter called Layla Rose Lee, meditator, animal lover, heartfelt human and would-be tap dancer.
What would you do differently from what you do now?
I originally wanted to be a dancer but dislocated my right hip doing jumping splits, yes, owwwwwch!!! And never got the strength back in it. I possibly would have gone into some area of social work.
Who inspires you and why?
The people who are willing stand up for a better world, who aren’t afraid to face ridicule to help shift our consciousness.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
If I could wave a magic wand and make us all see each other as we see ourselves
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